
In the Memory Care Unit that Janis is in, I have met numerous residents and have learned something about their previous lives. Always, I’m interested in what they did for work. There is so much to be said for what careers or jobs these people spent their time on. It gives me pause to think of the time that we spend in this life. It becomes more apparent to me that we are what we have done. Not just in our work, but also in our daily lives. Time is the real currency. And the rules say we can’t earn it back by working overtime later on. We only get this one moment to live, just once, and then it is gone. Sort of like having a pocket full of change in life’s arcade. Spend it, because the rules say you cannot save it. And remember, that what you spend it on, says something about who you are.

So what will you spend your change on today?

A wise, but brooding and serious man once said, “Do not waste this life.” I suspect he lived in ancient times and likely was a monk.

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November 3, 2016 · 7:12 pm

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